Friday, August 28, 2009

Just made some delicious chicken, whole wheat pasta and pasta sauce... well it was delicious until we realized that the eyeball sized black chunk that we took out of the pasta sauce wasn't in fact a mushroom/basil chunk as Jenn and I had thought. After a little research and reading the label, indicating that the sauce contains nothing but sauce and small pepper sized specks of basil we realized that we had just had a feast of moldy pasta ... I blame myself since apparently you're supposed to refrigerate pasta sauce after opening the container - oops! Picture of black chunk below:

Another crazy story of the day: Jenn met the bar owner of the new bar opening near our apartment (looks really cool!). She told him where we lived in their casual conversation and he proceeded to tell her that a crazy man lives in our apartment. Awesome. But it doesn't stop there. Within the last few months, someone has clearly left us out of the loop because the man lives next to us and has jumped out of the window twice, landing on the awning below that covers outside of Makai. Maybe if he starts reading our blog he'll stop jumping out of the windows for excitement!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wow Long Time No Blog

Okay so things have been a bit busy ... which can be looked at in two ways 1. We're too busy for crazy/ridiculous things to happen to us 2. We haven't had time to brings mixed emotions hah! Jenn also left for a week...deserting me in our small apartment all by myself for Hawaii. I was nervous after a week in a hotel room she wouldn't come back - considering a hotel room is like Buckingham palace compared to what we're working with!

Speaking of living space we do have some big news! After a long, often times discouraging search(Kendall and I spent an entire 4 hours driving around Beverly Hills trying to find a 4 bedroom house/apt unsuccessfully), and long hours on both Craigslist and Westside Rentals we now have a NEWWWWW APARTMENT! For those of you who don't know - there will be 4 of us: Myself, Jenn, Kendall and Melissa (who is moving down from Seattle on Labor Day weekend). We had almost given up hope on all being able to live together as Kendall works downtown LA for renowned fashion designer Cynthia Vincent (AMAZING) and I am in Marina Del Rey making the middle of the road still a very long commute for both of us. Fortunately, Kendall agreed to make it work and settle for a place in Santa Monica and all at once, I found a place on WestsideRentals and Jenn tackled the difficult situation of communicating with our new landlord Dennis who is a whole different story I will leave for Jenn to tell. Lets just say he is no Bobby (or as we now call him John Dillinger) but he will be a fun apartment manager.

Now you may be asking why we refer to Bobby, our current apartment manager, as John Dillinger. It all ties back to me cutting my head open on apartment property that was not repaired and clearly a liability...Bobby is our good friend, just as John Dillinger was to the people, but he had no problem with me having to spend money at the ER on my head, just as John Dillinger had no problem robbing banks...we used it as bait before paying rent last month... Oh and he started calling Jenn and I Thelma and Louise first so it was only fair to refer to him as John. On good days, such as when we're at Cafe Crepe drinking sangria, we just call him Bobcat.

Back to the new apartment - it is 3 large bedrooms, a decent sized kitchen, great closets, a dining room, and two living rooms. The back living room will be turned into the 4th and largest bedroom. And it's in Santa Monica, 17 blocks from the beach in a beautiful neighborhood a block away from the best shopping/food - Montana Ave.

Other than apartment searching and securing we have been enjoying our current location (as it is a great location), going to the EQ, working and exploring more of LaLa Land.

THORN: Today we both woke up with what we would call food hangovers. Yes, there is such thing. It happens when you live a few doors down from a self serve frozen yogurt and topping bar. It is a surprise every time that I see how much I have actually managed to put in the fro-yo cup. That was I believe my third post work indulgance of the week - Jenn clearly has much better self control in the sweets department. (Pictures coming soon).

All in all it was a good past two weeks!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Flashback to Cabo 2005

HERE'S A GREAT LAUGH FOR YOUR MORNING: So upon waking up today, Jenn and I decided we needed a picture at the top of our blog...We began browsing through photos of us together over the years, there have been a lot of years, but only about 5 of those years were captured with digital cameras so we were limited in our options. I began browsing through our famed Cabo Senior Spring Break album from high school and there were some doozies! Not to mention the memories that come to mind are also hilarious...too many to begin reminiscing about now! Back on topic, as I was browsing these photos I fell across my very favorite one of Jennifer. Do not worry, she has given me full permission (considering I too look disgusting in the photo) to post this photo on our site as it is truly hilarious and captures Jenn's first real night of drinking. Brace yourself.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Early BDay Celebration

Sorry we have not posted any updates recently. Things have been a little more busy than usual (we have less time to get into trouble) because Nicole started her job on Wednesday. She is a working woman! I (Jenn) make sure that she comes home to a spiffy clean studio! Her car is finally fixed, which is a "Rose" in itself.

Nicole surprised me this afternoon with three beautiful YUMMY cupcakes from Yummy Cupcakes (THE BEST CUPCAKE I HAVE EVER HAD)! I am the luckiest girl in the world! She mixed it up and bought one margarita cupcake, one Bday cupcake and one sprinkle on the side cupcake. Take a look at these beautiful pieces of heaven!

Thorn and rose of the day: Todays thorn and rose is the one in the same today. Jenn is leaving to Hawaii for a week, which is going to be a blast! But it is also a thorn because we will have to part :( And I will live without my other half in this tiny studio all alone in this big crazy city!

Monday, August 3, 2009

First Job!

We just received pictures from the photographer for our first event/shoe launch for Nike. Don't be jealous of our flattering gear :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunny Sunday

Went to the pier today with our friends Maddy and Renee who visited from San Diego for the weekend! Stopped and watched two guys do a breakdancing show with some pretty sweet flips and music ... pictures coming soon! Then spent the rest of the day at the beach relaxing and hanging out with some friends!

Thorn: Why does everyone in LA smoke? It's disgusting.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Funny story of the day...

Let us preface this by saying we have a really nice female neighbor, our first week here she said she left flowers outside our door and wanted to be sure we got them...we didn't but thanked her for her kindness and welcoming gift!

Yesterday Bobby (apartment manager and friend) came to hang out and discuss cheaper rent...or listen to us discuss a cheaper rent proposal after having sent a few excel spread sheets breaking down what we felt was a reasonable amount to pay for August considering the head hurt on mailbox incident. He now refers to us as Thelma and Louise...and we call him John Dilinger so it's a very healthy friendship! Anyways, midway through our talk he gets a call and says the police are here! Instantly excited by the new change of subject we inquire about the strange turn of events. He notes that there was a fight between two tenants about a half hour prior but we were at the gym... he was shocked we missed it! When he returns to us anxiously awaiting the story he gives us the juicy details:

The female tenant who lives two doors down has a boyfriend who moved in with her this year. I think he's been living there for over half a year. Apparently she met one of the tenants who lives above on the 3rd floor and they hit it off and became good friends... one thing led to another and there were love letters, texts, chocolates, etc. all eventually intercepted by her boyfriend...the climax of this story comes when both the 3rd floor male tenant delivered a gift to the door of the lady and her boyfriend (what the heck was he thinking?!) and the boyfriend answered the door and it was appppparently an all out brawl. YIKES! The catch of the story, also written up in the police report according to Bobby, was that this 3rd floor tenant started the drama by delivering flowers to his love (who lives with her boyfriend next door to us) a few weeks ago and in order to hide the flowers from her boyfriend (which he caught on to).......she delivered the flowers to us as a "welcome gift!" Oh the drama that is connected to us even in the smallest of ways! We'll keep you updated on how this story evolves now that the police are involved!

THORN: Our kitchen rug was really dirty and wet from hammering the ice out of the mini fridge so we hung it out the window ... well we forgot about it and today went to look for it and it had fallen onto the awning that goes over the sushi restaurant below us ... not sure what to do and somewhat distracted we forgot about this. Today when we left the apartment, a bum ... or homeless individual to be politically correct, i think, had made it his new jacket. It's somewhat like the colors of a poncho and fairly attractive looking on him. We're happy to have done our good deed!